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The purpose of the Institute of Strategic Public Negotiation ISPN is to train members in the skills of negotiation and make them understand the nitty-gritty of negotiation, to help them harness the practical application, in a bespoke manner, in the light of proven professionalism while eschewing conflict, at the same time develop an astute influence of conviction. The idea is for people to have an agreement to participate in activities cum negotiations that will result and culminate in mutual benefits without vestige of rancour. Everybody tries to come to an agreement that will serve its own interest.



Indisputably, negotiation is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding arguments and disputes, activating the power of influence and prowess persuasion towards achieving conviction on the negotiation table in any conflict or disagreement.

Having individuals with extra ordinary negotiation skills will contribute to organization’s success and goals because of some sort of difference they make in engineering development. Without mincing words, negotiation is a top management skill that helps build good working relationships, communal relations, bilateral relations, cultural integration despite the idiosyncratic differences.



We want people to understand that, negotiation is the essence of conflict resolution, ipso facto, it is of a prophylactic value to the world peace, thusmany avoidable internecine wars internal and external has bedevilled the world overtimes. There is no peace diplomacy without negotiation as a sine qua non and it is sacrosanct. To resolve conflict there is need to without bias and undue favouritism understand everybody’s and each party’s needs, petition the available proven facts and figure conventions, etc which form the negotiation dynamics and matrixes. Lets remember that, the most important part of negotiation is the preparation, otherwise known pre-negotiation period.

Why is negotiation important? Strong negotiation skills can bet the difference between a beneficial compromise and a loss. There will always be conflicts, and the ability to solve them, particularly in the business world, the general society as well, that is why negotiation is important in every facet of human endeavour- it is what creates success, so to speak.



BATNA is often used in negotiation tactics. Good negotiation tactics are important for negotiating parties to know in order for their side to win or create a win-win situation for both parties……..it provides an alternative if negotiations fall through and also provides negotiating power.

BATNA is simply the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreemnet……It is the agreement or BATNA is the most advantageous alternative course of action a party can take if negotiation fail and an agreement cannot be reached.

Consequently therefore, there is a need to acquire negotiation skills or improve on them for those who already possess such skill.

Vendors, business executive, customers, clients, procurement experts, labour representatives, legal officers, arm forces – military, para-military, police, corporate Nigeria and the public sector all negotiate.

For any individual growth, promotion, there is a veritable element that must come to play, which is the human element.



The role of negotiation cannot be over-emphasized as part of the skills individuals should possess. You are not going to ascend to a large extent, in any organization without a sponsor, it could even be a self sponsored venture, and that is critical in any career pursuit. There is no evaluating process that can be thought of in any sector of the economy or industry, whether in the public or corporate Nigeria, that does not have a human element.


There is a measure of subjectivity in who is presenting your case or who you are presenting a case for, in terms of what you say and how they interpret any objective information you might have and you must make sure that whoever is speaking has the best interest and has the skills he/she requires, which most times, its largely depend on strong negotiation skills, also applying strategic finesse at all times. Anybody who is going to be “pounding” the table on your behalf (whether as an organization or individual) or you are going to be “pounding” the table on behalf of someone, even for yourself, must learn to be strategic and have strong will to negotiate.


If you are involved in board room politics, you need strong strategic negotiation skills.

Conflict resolution seeks to prevent people from resorting to violence of “self help” methods to handle disputes. Community liaison officers need training and skills in identifying the reasons for conflicts negotiation and communication.

Communicating effectively is crucial for an effective negotiation, whether business, conflict, legal negotiation etc. Your goal is to make yourself and your position understood, and this relies on your communication ability. In a negotiation, there is no room for communication breakdown and misunderstandings.


Informal day-to-day interactions and formal transactions such as negotiating conditions of sales, lease, service delivery, and other legal contracts need strong negotiation skills. Good negotiations, no doubt, contribute significantly to business successes, as they help you build better relationships.

The role of strategic negotiation in our lives, businesses, workplaces, interactions, job interviews cannot be exhausted. At ISPN, we are poised to render bespoke, quality trainings and development concerns to help individuals acquire and internalize these skills.

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